Monday, July 25, 2011

Take it, take it all.

As ya'll know, life has been pretty hectic.

I managed to lose my whole social life aka. my BB in Singapore.
Okay correction, it got stolen.
I mean, I know I'm a technological retard, but not this man.
Come on.

Singapore with the mum was pretty fun overall haha.
We managed to do a whole lot of shopping.

Anyway on a better note (I think),
it's safe to say being back in the arms of NME brings me a lot of relief.
Upon touching down from Singapore, and from the cab.
I come home to a bunch of retards dancing in my house.
Cool, very cool.

So yeah, we won best crowd support.
Props to the non existent ghost crowd who were cheering for us.
Because I clearly remembered all the SILENCE after we were done.

We're still all unsure about our placing in the competition overall but who cares :)
It was fun, altogether and we met some pretty cool ass dancers.

n.M.e's <3
Fuzz, from HMC Phlow, which mind you, is a sexy ass dancer.

Did I forget to mention I got blue and purple streaks done?
Yeah well, there you go.
Me, being well, a typical girl haha.

I'm opening up a blogshop for all the shirts I ripped up in the last few months.
So yeah, to all my little devoted readers,
I'll update you soon.

Till then.

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