Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Every boy I choose to love leaves me.

Yes, pathetic as that sounds.
Every single damn time.
It happens.

I don't even need to love them in the way lovers do.
I mean, just friends, in general.
In that way too.

And they always turn out to be boys.
Haha. Go figure.
Story of my life.

I'll blog about him soon.

For now, I have to face a few major problems.

1. Get through Singapore without ripping a hole in my savings.
2. Get through the dance competition and WIN ;)
3. Start up a blogshop for the shirts I so love to cut up.
4. Go out with Yu Hui! Because I miss her so.
5. Get my driver's license on Monday, OH YEAH. (Y)
6. Go over to Ash's to discuss stuff and cut up more shirts.

All this in a week before the holiday ends?
No problem.
They don't call me crazy for no reason.

Tired, again.
Why is my blog always full of negativity?
Au revior.

Tuning into: Skyscraper - Demi Lovato

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