Friday, May 20, 2011

Lazy afternoons are for sleeping.

I just woke up from my terrible nap in the car.
Wooh, sometimes dreams are really scary things.

They eat into your head. Heh.

College today was pretty boring.
Hung out at Starbucks and Wong Kok more than I actually had lessons.

It's time to buck up on my work.
Procrastination is for losers, such as myself.
I hate being lazy, but that's ku.

I need to cut my nails, and repaint them.
I'm so tempted to get Katy Perry's Black Shatter by OPI.

Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

Which of them should you keep.
Which should you let go.

Tuning into: Secret - The Pierces
Got a secret can you keep it,
with this one you'll save.
Better lock it in your pocket,
taking this one to the grave.

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