Friday, May 20, 2011

Good morning, world.

Today is the day of the predicted apocalypse.
But I honestly don't give a shit, teehe.

I stumbled upon Casey Abram's Youtube Channel pre-AI.
He's so effin' sexy.
I'd marry him, his cello, his voice,
and his BEARD!

I love being awake at this time of the night.
It helps me think a lot, basically.
Things I can say, things I can't.
I keep everything to myself,
cause I have no one to say them to.

I am all but a puzzle piece in someone else's puzzle.
And everyone else is a puzzle piece in mine.
Some are bigger than others,
some are tinier.
But each piece fits accordingly to make up a confusing last piece.

And I choose to dwell upon an empty space,
and not look at the whole picture.
And then this piece comes in,
it fills up the space like it belongs.

And you complete your puzzle.
But life chooses that piece to fall out of it's place.
And you can't seem to fit it back together.
It's the same piece,
the same size, the same shape.
But you don't know how to make yourself whole again.

A wise ass once told me, that you have two options.
One is to dwell upon the empty last piece that destroys the whole picture.
Or look back at all the puzzle pieces that you have,
and wait for the right one to come along
without forcing it into place.


I've justified who I am for now.
Contentment is only a step away.

Tuning into:Brooke Fraser - You Can Close Your Eyes (feat. William Fitzsimmons)

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