Sunday, May 29, 2011

Through his.

Do you know what lies are?
They reside in your body, and they grow.
Like little insects,
their beady bodies and spindly legs.
They feed on your honesty and truth.

And every time you tell a lie.
Your lie grows, and it infests.
It sleeps in your legs,
it rests in your eyes.

And your lies grow, and grow.
They multiply, and they never go away.
Because soon, you can't tell one lie from another.

They're all the same.
They might be a million insects.
Or just one huge one that stays within you.
But they get bigger.
And they get nastier.

And when you lie through your nose,
you like through your teeth,
you lie through your skin.

All the insects come pouring out.
Of your eyes,
under your toenails,
from your ears.

Until you are empty.
And you are drained.
And you are lost.

For without your lies,
you are nothing.

TUNING INTO: 19-2000 (Soulchild remix) - Gorillaz
It's the music that we choose.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Misplaced Trusts and Old Friends.

One thing I love about Saturday afternoons is thinking.
In my loose bundle of hair in a scrunchy.
Baggy ugly sweat pants.
A shirt that smells like the washers.

It's listening to Ron Pope on my vintage pink radio.
And snuggling under the striped sheets.
Sketching the face of a fired mask.

And the heat of the emptiness between my fingers.
That lay on my conscious thoughts like a heavy blanket.

I figured out, today.
On a lazy Saturday afternoon like every other.

I miss.

The feeling of someone's arm around me.
The linger of a kiss upon my cheek.
The presence of someone else through the screen of the computer.
The thought of someone else thinking of me.
Smiling (cliche as it sounds) for no reason.

And no, I don't, and I never will miss you.

I miss physically being wanted.
Cause emotionally, I'm exactly like your compassion, and your guilt, your common sense and the meaning behind your words.

It's worth nothing.

TUNING INTO: Katy Perry - I'm Still Breathing
I'm weaving a rope, and running all the red lights.
Did I get your attention, cause I'm sending all the signs.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Don't bother me with all of your reality.

A picture I edited recently, because I like the faded letter effect.

I had an amazing day today.
Went out for a good movie with Kak and Yi-Li.
Had a good heart-to-heart cina abeng talk with Kak in the car.

And I had a super fun dinner with Izzy, Adrian, Ilham, Chingiz, Calvin, Boody and the occasional butt in by Aaron ahaha.
I wish I could live on campus.

But the best part about today,
is just being ignorant, and completely satisfied.

And I love that.

Btw, I'm singing in college tomorrow at 2pm.
Got a surprise song teehee.
Can't believe I'm performing again after so long.
Can't wait!

TUNING INTO: Simple - Katy Perry
But it could be so simple, life should be that simple.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

On a bad day, looking for a great escape.

I know a girl,
who looked a lot like me.

Do you know who she is?
She is oblivious.
A willow tree, a beast in disguise,
from the only person she doesn't understand.
who's everything but wise.

I know a girl,
who has a heart made of shards.
Little pieces of everyone else,
dig deep, dig hard.
Down to the little pieces of her heart.

How often she falters,
stumbles and falls.
As often as dried leaves wrinkle and rust.
into the littlest scraps of brown.
never known,
never found.

I know a girl,
who was a lot like me.
A thorn in her smile,
a stab in her frown.

Of girls, and of her own.
It is as hammer upon glass,
paper upon water,
wrists upon knives,
theif upon hives.

I know a girl,
who's words are often made out of roses,
though thorns cut into those of her own kind.
who's words are made out of glass.
though tips slice into the hearts of many.

Intentions overlooked.

I know a girl,
who knew that being.
Just wasn't good enough.
who knew that talking,
leads her to wrong places.
and of the hurt and sorrow she marks
on everyone's faces.

TUNING INTO: Patrick Watson - Man Like You

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Acoustic Night.

Tonights performances were amazing.
Especially Bob the Sausage!

Just sitting there and listening to them playing
and feeling the bass vibrate all the way into your bones.
Oooh, I tell you that feeling is just amazing.

I got three free glow in the dark sticks stuff.
So I made a glow-in-the-dark halo for myself.
Cause I'm an angel hehehehe.
A pretty crappy one, at least.

This night/morning has been eventful enough.
It's hard to try and write everything down.

It aches.
The more I think about it,
the more it hurts my head.

All I can think of is karma, karma, karma, karma.

But what goes around, come around.
What goes up must come down.

The night's ending well.

TUNING INTO: Patrick Watson - Je te laisserai des mots

Friday, May 20, 2011

Good morning, world.

Today is the day of the predicted apocalypse.
But I honestly don't give a shit, teehe.

I stumbled upon Casey Abram's Youtube Channel pre-AI.
He's so effin' sexy.
I'd marry him, his cello, his voice,
and his BEARD!

I love being awake at this time of the night.
It helps me think a lot, basically.
Things I can say, things I can't.
I keep everything to myself,
cause I have no one to say them to.

I am all but a puzzle piece in someone else's puzzle.
And everyone else is a puzzle piece in mine.
Some are bigger than others,
some are tinier.
But each piece fits accordingly to make up a confusing last piece.

And I choose to dwell upon an empty space,
and not look at the whole picture.
And then this piece comes in,
it fills up the space like it belongs.

And you complete your puzzle.
But life chooses that piece to fall out of it's place.
And you can't seem to fit it back together.
It's the same piece,
the same size, the same shape.
But you don't know how to make yourself whole again.

A wise ass once told me, that you have two options.
One is to dwell upon the empty last piece that destroys the whole picture.
Or look back at all the puzzle pieces that you have,
and wait for the right one to come along
without forcing it into place.


I've justified who I am for now.
Contentment is only a step away.

Tuning into:Brooke Fraser - You Can Close Your Eyes (feat. William Fitzsimmons)

Lazy afternoons are for sleeping.

I just woke up from my terrible nap in the car.
Wooh, sometimes dreams are really scary things.

They eat into your head. Heh.

College today was pretty boring.
Hung out at Starbucks and Wong Kok more than I actually had lessons.

It's time to buck up on my work.
Procrastination is for losers, such as myself.
I hate being lazy, but that's ku.

I need to cut my nails, and repaint them.
I'm so tempted to get Katy Perry's Black Shatter by OPI.

Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

Which of them should you keep.
Which should you let go.

Tuning into: Secret - The Pierces
Got a secret can you keep it,
with this one you'll save.
Better lock it in your pocket,
taking this one to the grave.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I am a Mess.

I have to admit though.
I liked you more than I liked Nutella.

Just putting that into words,
makes everything so crazy.

That's what you do though,
you put everything into words.

Oh, the amazing things you'd say.
You were my pocketful of dreams.
Bag full of sunshine.

Of course, you flutter away,
like the shimmer in the wings of a butterfly.

And now I am empty.
As the bag,

Tuning into: Turning Tables - Adele
God only knows what we're fighting for.