Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Random things.

*Things that annoy you.

Waiting annoys me. Itches that I can't find and can't unitch annoys me. Hello Kitty, too small shirts, bad makeup days, slow drivers on the fast lane, PEOPLE BREAKING THE SPINE OF MY BOOK (curse you all, you need to die), certain mainstream music, the sound of my mum's voice in the morning, not knowing what to wear, not having enough money for my piercings/tattoo, girls who keep staring at what I wear -.-, and boys (because most of the time because I don't understand them).

*Things that make you smile.

Umm. Kisses on my forehead. Freshly painted self-manicures, long girl talks with Azalea, cold room, cold blanket, cold day, a really really amazing book ending, good music while driving, rediscovering old notes I've written when I was younger, people breathing down my neck (I think this is a natural reaction lol), good headphones when I'm listening to Skrillex, the turn out of good photographs, a good hair day, carrying an amazing conversation for hours, sneaking out and getting back no sweat, hee.

*Things that you dread.

Call/text/see you later? Waiting. For results, for a phone call, for a text, for someone to show up, for a confirmation of an outing. Waiting in general. What comes after 'we need to talk', the moment before confrontation, my period, the sound of my alarm in the morning, the moment before I step into the shower, the last few pages of a really good book, having no iPod cause it's broken -.-, accidentally cutting my shirt wrongly, lectures from my mum haha.

*Things that you love.

Probably, cuddles. Lots and lots of 'em. Really epic movie endings(like Remember Me heh), green tea ice cream with red bean, Japanese food, Justin Nozuka (though he isn't a thing), Star Wars/Potter jokes, troll/meme faces, 9Gag, the moment when I wake up before my alarm and get to sleep more, playing pool with the besties, always having inside jokes with people, my guitar, NME, sleepovers and not sleeping, KCG, little notes tucked inside my books, my imagination, Spongebob (again, not a thing), getting high on candy, talking shit, buying new clothes at a super sale, my blog, my friends, my life.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Believe me, I'm a liar.

Honestly, I find this slightly odd.

I'm sitting out here with my laptop,
the Skull Candies, and my Sex Bom-Omb,
practically 5 inches from the rain.

And I love it out here.
The rain clouds my thinking,
makes me go slightly hazy.

But, today, tragically,
I am feeling rather philosophical.

See love, is really funny.
I'm beginning to find that I'm extremely intrigued by the fundamentals of it.
How it happens, why, with who? Why them.
It's fascinating to watch how people crumble to pieces without talking to their lovers for a day.
For example, my brother haha.

I'm still struggling to find a way to feel that again.
I mean, to feel like I need to live, because of that someone.
Time and time again, when pressure breaks me,
and I have no outlet to escape.
Wouldn't it be beautiful to just have a shoulder to lean on?
Or just to read together in an empty silence that just fills you up.

Love, is like a thirst.

It's like watching people around you drinking orange juice, lemonade, Coke, whatever you name it, on a hot, hot Sunday morning.
You start to feel like you're thirsty.
Even though the process of being thirsty is all in your head.
It's planted there by the things you see.

You look out for a drink,
this amazing wonderful drink.
With the right amount of fizz for excitement,
the color for show,
and a taste that you'll grow accustomed to and love.

It just happens that when you stumble along your way,
you find drinks that satisfy your need for short periods of time,
energy drinks, soft drinks,
that give you a little boost, and gets you along your way.

You toss the empty cans aside like they mean nothing.
Of course, things are hardly done intentionally.
You don't realize what you've done.

Until someone else picks you up,
drains you all out on the inside,
crushes your entire being in his fist.
And let's you free fall.

So, love not found is a lot like thirst.
Unquenchable, hard to find.

But one day, you'll get to the oasis.
And truly, that would be your beautiful begin, or the subtle downfall of your being.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


My romantic nature is only built on a few strong foundations.

Don't make someone like you if you don't intend to like them back.
Don't say stupid things or agree with me just to impress me.
Don't flip out/be late/stand me up.

Don't lie.

Because a girl knows everything.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

And I'd give up forever to touch you.

Sometimes, it's hard to explain the reasons why I do things the way that I do.

I'm different, and on a daily basis,
my life revolves around different things,
as everyone else is.

It's weird, being judged by the way you dress,
your hair color, your nails, your shirts,
the way you talk or burp in public.

It's even worst when you're a girl.
Because if your hair has green streaks in it,
you're looking for attention.
When your skirt's a little higher than half your thigh,
you're asking for it.
When it's at your knees,
you need to get your ass back into the 21st century.
When you have a slit in your dress,
it's slutty.
Or have half painted black nail polish,
and people brand you as a goth.

Sometimes, shit's not that simple.
It's like I hardly get by one day without being judged by the people around me.

Which brings me back to doing things the way I want to do them,
I'm only 18 years and 12 days old once.

If I want to take pictures like a ho,
dye my hair a different color every month,
wear short skirts and dark make up,
leave me be.

Everyday you live, you take another step closer to an inevitable end.
Everyday is another day lost for something amazing that could've happened.

So don't blame me when I spread peanut butter on the ground,
and roll in it like a boss.

If my entertainment fuels your annoying-ness and dissatisfaction about what I am,
and how I don't give a shit,
then so be it.

What makes you think I'll give a shit about youuuuuuuuu.